How to Exercise to Prevent Falls

As you get older, not only does the risk of having a fall increase, but so do its negative effects. In fact, falls account for about 40% of all injury-related hospitalisations in Australia every year. While you could break a bone or knock your head, having a fall also reduces your confidence making it more…

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8 Common Reasons Your Six Pack Is Hiding

Have you been crunching away on celery sticks and sit-ups but still don’t have a rock-hard core to show? There’s a reason why having abs is thought of by many to be a solid sign of fitness – getting them isn’t easy! But, with a bit of effort directed to the right areas, you can…

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How to Get the Fitness Results You Deserve!

As a personal trainer, every day I see women and men who are unhappy with what they look like. And interestingly, they’re not necessarily people who don’t exercise or eat right! There’s a lot of people out there who put in the effort but aren’t getting the results they want. Are you one of them?…

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How to Speed Up Your Aging Metabolism

Have you ever heard people say that your metabolism starts to decline when you hit 25? While you’re young, you might be able to get away with eating and drinking your way through the weekends without much effect on your waistline. But, as get older, the foods we eat and the activity we do (or…

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4 Tips to Avoid Being Skinny Fat

Skinny fat. It is an oxymoron but, unfortunately, it is a reality for a lot of people who follow the ‘typical’ weight loss advice that’s plastered around everywhere. When you do a lot of traditional cardio and cut calories, the usual result is a body composition that’s high in fat and low in muscle. Luckily,…

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8 Steps to Strong and Lean Abs

Almost everyone works out for the abs! Whether you want a 6-pack or just want to lose some weight from your midsection, having a tight core has become the image of fitness. And, while it might look good, there’s other benefits to having strong abdominals too. They’ll help to protect your lower back from injury,…

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3 Reasons Why Strength Training Doesn’t Make Women Huge

Even though strength training for women is trendy right now, a lot of women are still holding back for fear of bulking up. As a personal trainer, the first thing I’m asked when I say we’re going to do some weights is “but will that make me huge?”. No, it won’t! Building muscle is hard.…

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How to get lean and sculpted like never before

Are you desperately trying to figure out how to get lean? With all the misinformation out there, it’s no wonder that there are a lot of conflicting ideas and confusion about attaining a trim figure. The trick? Rely on science to tell you how to get lean. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:…

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Skinny Fat explained and solved

Are you tired of being skinny fat? Had enough of being told that you have nothing to worry about because you aren’t overweight and your body fat levels are acceptable? And whilst you might not be tipping the scales, no matter how hard your work out your body remains soft… undefined… lacking tone… with no…

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Intermittent fasting: no food for thought

Intermittent fasting has been receiving a lot of attention in the dieting industry. Sometimes it’s referred to as ‘staggered calorie intake’. One specific take that’s quite popular is the 5:2 philosophy, where you are meant to eat ‘normally’ for 5 days, and then fast for 2 days. (Fasting here means eating very restricted calories.) It…

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