How Can You Lose Weight During the Holidays?
So you want to look great at a holiday party. Fit into a new dress. Enjoy dancing and clubbing with old friends the way you used to. And you want to see results…this weekend? While wanting to lose weight fast is NOT a bad motivator, we sometimes see people fall into bad traps trying get in shape before the holidays. Please, don’t be that guy (or girl).
New Habits, Old Goals: How’s Your Mindset?
If you have wanted to lose weight for a long time and you are making efforts but not seeing results, you’re probably – understandably – frustrated. The fact is when it comes to eating, most people have a pretty fair idea of what they need to do. (It’s the self-policing that’s really, really hard.)
And then we come to the holidays when the pressure to look good is a little higher than usual, and the food and party temptations are EVERYWHERE. All the time.
So is now really a good time to try to lose weight? YES. Yes, when you have the right mindset. And the right mindset is the same no matter what month it is.

P.S. It’s not all about denial! You don’t have to give up every carbohydrate and drink nothing but water! You don’t have to do exhausting workouts either. Having a good mindset means respecting your body and knowing how to get the best out of it.
Weight Loss is the Measure, Health is the Goal
Weight loss is a great motivator – but weight loss alone isn’t a great goal. Increasing your strength and fitness levels, now that’s a great goal. And weight loss is a very good way to measure that – but it’s just one way to measure it.
We sometimes hear from new clients who say they put off calling because they thought they needed to BE in good shape to work with a personal trainer. NO! No! Our trainers’ first task is to listen to understand where each client is coming from, what their goals are, and what they’ve tried that’s worked – as well as things that haven’t worked. From that starting point, we personalise everything from eating tips to activities to help them get on track.
As soon as they try the right activities, paired with a few tweaks to old habits, they start getting results. Fast. Do they drop a dress size in a week? Honestly, almost never. But they do start getting results, improving their health – and yes, that often means weight loss – fast.
Weight Loss and Health Gains on YOUR Schedule
We work with clients who have busy crazy schedules, run large companies, travel constantly…and we tell them the same thing we tell anyone who wants to start a weight loss program: anytime is a good time to start. NOW is the best time…if you’re ready.
Ready? Call me to discuss the changes you’d like to see or book a session so you can start REACHING your goals soon.