Counting Calories: Why You Should STOP

If you find yourself counting calories, you are not alone. The world of fad diets, ill-advised nutrition and marketing ploys has led many down this frustrating path. No approach to nutrition should leave you feeling hungry, moody, and irritable. Food is there to be enjoyed. You should be able to experience sustained weight loss and…

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Eggs – to eat or not to eat?

What do you do when you’re faced with a breakfast menu? Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, and rightly so. So it stands to reason that your breakfast choice should be healthy, even if you are attending a business breakfast meeting. You want to avoid the muffins, croissants and pastries…

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Healthy snacks for those who are on the go

We all have those days. Those days when your alarm clock creates a state of panic, you rush to get ready, you’re about to fly out the door, knowing that you’re running late, when your stomach reminds you that it’s been a while since you ate. You need something quick and easy. Herein lies the…

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Sugar Detox: everything you need to know

Do you really need a sugar detox? Well, let me put it this way: sugar is toxic. And the modern diet is filled with excess added sugar that is wreaking havoc on our bodies. So yes, the chances are that you probably need a sugar detox. Like any detox, it’s not always easy, especially if your…

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