Holiday Eating & Training Tips
Worried about gaining some weight over the holidays? Who isn’t, right?!
Beating yourself up over “losing control” isn’t the answer. In fact, it’s counterproductive. Even if you over-indulge, when you keep to a reasonable training schedule – you won’t have to worry much about throwing your metabolism out of whack. Life is meant to be enjoyed, right? Of course it is! So, enjoy your holiday parties! Just don’t go off the deep end.
Below, a few tips on smart holiday eating to help you stay on track during the high party season. And remember, we’re here all season – so now really IS a good time to enlist the help of a personal coach so you can balance your need to party with the nagging voice inside your head saying “let’s get in shape!”
Planning Tips for the Holiday Eating Season
So you’re going out for drinks with the office gang during the week, meeting old friends on the weekend, and munching with family all season…yikes! Make sure your meal planning compensates for some of those over-indulgences.
Now is a great time to try a new class or fitness program!
Smart holiday eating tips:

- Don’t skip meals – proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates are the best choices for any meal.
- Plan ahead and pack a healthy, vitamin-laden lunch. Ensure that you’re eating vitamin- and mineral-rich foods like avocados, berries, and bananas. Try to eat fish (packed with healthy Omega-3s!) at least a couple of times a week.
- Drink a lot … of water, that is. Especially when alcohol figures in your holiday partying, rehydrating is critical. And, you simply can’t make training progress if your body is even slightly dehydrated. Don’t like water? Herbal teas, fresh fruit infused water and no added sugar coconut water are good alternatives.
- Mind over matter really matters! Don’t fall for the pressure – remember there’s a plate of cookies and a reason to indulge just about every hour during December and into the New Year. Be MINDFUL and those temptations won’t derail you. Take time to savor small bites and remember that you CAN enjoy the season without saying “yes” to every special food that appears this time of year.
About Alcohol and Exercise
You probably know that alcohol is a diuretic, and (ahem) “maybe” you know what it feels like to be dehydrated after drinking. Here’s something else you need to know: besides the pounding headache and muscle fatigue you may feel after a night out, alcohol can increase blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system.
For that reason, we tell our clients NOT to work out when they’re truly hung over. We do encourage them to get back to their routines as soon as possible though!
Give Yourself CONTROL for the Holidays
Managing your health over the holidays is largely about mindfulness and self-respect. When giving in to temptation becomes a habit, instead of bringing joy you may find you’re feeling out of control.
We have worked with many business owners, couples, mums and people of all ages and in all stages who found the holidays a difficult time to feel good about themselves. Guess what? A trainer can help! A lot!
Our clients will tell you that we never advocate all work and no play! Taking care of yourself, training to be the best, strongest, healthiest you can be takes some effort for sure, but we feel above all it should be fun and feel good to make that effort. Sound a little different from other gyms? Well, we are.
Wondering how or where to start? Please get in touch. We’d love to help you enjoy the holidays (and every day) like never before.
Stronger body, healthier mindset. What a nice gift to yourself!