Why You Should Avoid Diet Soft Drinks

Zero sugar. Zero calories. 100% taste. Seems like winning doesn’t it? But, as with most things in life, when it sounds too good to be true, it usually is! And the same goes for diet soft drinks. Just because a can of Coke Zero doesn’t have any calories, doesn’t mean it’s as good as water.…

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Lose weight with cardio by avoiding these mistakes

You only have to listen to the people at your gym who want to lose weight, to realise that their main focus tends to be on how to lose weight with cardio. People make two big mistakes when their aim is to lose weight with cardio   Look at people working out on the cardio…

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Beat stress the natural way every day

Stress is a significant problem in today’s world, so it’s important to learn how to beat stress using healthy techniques that you can maintain as part of your everyday routine. Learning how to beat stress is part of adopting a healthy lifestyle Even if you are eating a healthy nutritious diet and exercising regularly, you…

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How to get lean and sculpted like never before

Are you desperately trying to figure out how to get lean? With all the misinformation out there, it’s no wonder that there are a lot of conflicting ideas and confusion about attaining a trim figure. The trick? Rely on science to tell you how to get lean. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:…

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Avoiding potatoes? Do you really need to?

Avoiding potatoes seems to be high up on the list of just about everyone who’s trying to lose weight. Is this a legitimate weight loss hack? Or are you avoiding that delicious potato salad for no good reason? Are you avoiding potatoes of all kinds? Just the white ones? Confused about sweet potatoes? (Can something that…

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Stay motivated in the face of peer pressure

Peer pressure is something we tend to associate with adolescents. However, it doesn’t take much observation to realise that it is in fact present in all our lives. That’s not to say that all peer pressure is bad. A personal trainer trying to motivate you to push that much harder is a good example of…

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Weight loss that's quick and easy

That’s it, isn’t it? The golden phrase that we all love to hear: quick and easy. Shed the kilos in less time with less effort? How delightful! Of course, there’s a multi billion dollar weight loss industry that is focused on this little phrase that we all so love to hear. Here is something that you…

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Identify weight loss scams before it's too late!

As I’ve mentioned before, the weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, this entails countless weight loss scams. These false fads have only one aim: to take your money. They are not interested in your health, fitness, and overall well-being. Some are just downright dangerous. Telltale signs of weight loss scams You’re…

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Skinny Fat explained and solved

Are you tired of being skinny fat? Had enough of being told that you have nothing to worry about because you aren’t overweight and your body fat levels are acceptable? And whilst you might not be tipping the scales, no matter how hard your work out your body remains soft… undefined… lacking tone… with no…

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Intermittent fasting: no food for thought

Intermittent fasting has been receiving a lot of attention in the dieting industry. Sometimes it’s referred to as ‘staggered calorie intake’. One specific take that’s quite popular is the 5:2 philosophy, where you are meant to eat ‘normally’ for 5 days, and then fast for 2 days. (Fasting here means eating very restricted calories.) It…

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