Boxing benefits are not just for boxers

Unfortunately, the word ‘boxing’ might conjure up some graphic images of gory fighting and bloodshed. We have Hollywood to thank for that. What I’m talking about here is boxing training. It’s not about gratuitous violence. It’s about taking advantage of all those boxing benefits to add another dimension to your fitness routine. Boxing has been…

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Tabata – the fitness craze explained

If you follow this blog then you’ll know that at Tighten Up we’re proponents of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Now, Tabata is a type of HIIT that we also use with our clients. Why? The results are nothing less than fabulous! What exactly is Tabata? Tabata is nothing new. It was developed in the…

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Sugar: is it really an enemy?

Research reveals the dangers of our diets With many lifestyle diseases on the increase, we have a responsibility to take a closer look at our modern diet. Sugary drinks and snacks abound. There are also hidden sugars lurking in just about everything. You just have to read the ingredients labels on food packaging to realise…

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HIIT burns fat whilst building muscle and stamina

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is not just a fad Sure, HIIT has become a very popular training method. But this is not one of those ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ fitness whims. HIIT workouts have proven to be very successful. As a personal trainer in St Kilda I’ve seen great results when incorporating this into…

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Build muscle to look lean and toned

In a previous post I debunked the myth that weight training will lead women to look big, bulky and masculine. Ladies, if you want to lose weight and look lean, toned and sexy then you need to build muscle. Build muscle without fear The first important thing you need to do is let go of…

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Food cravings: fighting the addiction one bite at a time

Are your food cravings thwarting your efforts to lose weight? So you have the best of intentions to eat correctly… But try as you might, you still find yourself desperately seeking high-calorie low-nutrient foods. It’s not your fault. The primitive part of your brain is wired to have these types of food cravings. Seriously. But…

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Eureka Climb: it's time to reach new heights!

The Eureka Climb in Southbank, Melbourne is billed as Australia’s biggest vertical race. If you enjoy a healthy fitness challenge it’s time to lace up those running shoes and start warming up. This year it’s happening on Sunday 15 November so there’s no time to lose! The Eureka Climb is just that: climbing to the observation…

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Melbourne Cup: make it a cup without (love) handles

The Melbourne Cup Carnival started on 12 September. You might be well into the festivities by now. For most of us, Emirates Melbourne Cup Day in a few days’ time (3 November) marks the start of a month of merriment. As we all know, the Melbourne Cup Carnival is a delight for the senses: colour…

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Positive mindset: 11 ways it's a better quality of life

Your mindset consists of your thoughts, which in turn determine your reactions and decisions. How would you like others to characterise your words, thoughts, and actions? As inspirational? Beneficial? Powerful? Profitable? The answer lies in developing positive mindset. Quick and easy ways to unleash the power of a positive mindset Be the most powerful person…

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Tough Mudder training: is it really necessary?

It’s difficult to believe that we’re in October and it’s already time for the Tough Mudder this weekend! For those of you who don’t know, the Tough Mudder is a race that takes place on an insane obstacle course. So, yes, there’s mud. And yes, it’s tough. Run solo, run as part of a team,…

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