AMRAP delivers better benefits in less time
AMRAP is a training technique favoured my many personal trainers. It stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible, which you have to complete within a set length of time. It can be regarded as a type of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Whether you want to lose weight, rehabilitate, or look more toned and sexy,…
Read MoreHangry: science or an excuse?
Hangry is such a useful word. It aptly describes those people who become grumpy, irritable and short-tempered when they’re hungry. Some people definitely become more hangry than others. I’m sure we all have a friend or relative who is virtually impossible to deal with when they’re hungry, but as soon as satiety sets in, they’re…
Read MoreDiet soda – will you gain or lose weight?
Is diet soda a healthy alternative? Sugar has taken a real pounding in the health media of late. More and more studies and articles are emphasising the danger that sugar poses to our health. The answer for many? Pop open a can of diet soda! Surely it can’t be that bad if it says ‘diet’…
Read MoreEffective workout routine for the best results
Have you ever stopped to consider what exactly is meant by an effective workout routine? Probably the simplest answer is the gym workouts that deliver the results you are looking for. The thing is, not everybody is looking for the same results. Sure, we’d all like to be healthy and fit, but how we interpret…
Read MoreLow carb diet – fad or fabulous?
Like many diets, the low carb diet is controversial. It seems there will never be a consensus on this one. Before you make up your mind, make sure that you know all the facts. The low carb diet seems to attract lots of misinformation. Let’s separate fact from fiction… The real truth about the low…
Read MoreAustralia Day the healthy way
As our official national day approaches, I’m sure many of you are planning your Australia Day celebrations. It’s a time when we parade our national pride and celebrate everything Australian. Although there are many organised events, many of us celebrate this day with family and friends. And, like many other celebrations in summer, there are…
Read MoreOutdoor festivals: what they mean for your health
Here in Australia, the festive season is also festival season with all sorts of outdoor festivals popping up on calendars throughout the warmer months. Music festivals, food festivals, night markets, and all sorts of other outdoor festivals entertain us on many a hot summer’s day and night. But just what are the implications of outdoor festivals…
Read MoreBoost productivity in just 5 steps
Now that the festive season and New Year’s celebrations are behind us, many of us are getting back to work. Here are some ideas to boost productivity in 2016… The typical working week is reputedly 40 hours. Although, many of us put in far more hours that that! But are we really producing high quality work…
Read MoreNew Year fitness for a fabulous 2016
Have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions yet? It’s going to be a hot topic for the next day or so – if it isn’t already. When it comes to looking ahead to the New Year fitness and health are often listed as top priorities. If you want 2016 to be a year of…
Read MoreMake this one a healthy Christmas
Hmmm… a healthy Christmas? Let’s be honest, that does sound something like an oxymoron. But it is possible. And more than possible, it’s important if you want to avoid that dreaded holiday bulge. Healthy Christmas – really? So the big question is: how can you achieve a healthy Christmas? Here are some great ideas that you…
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