Health Food Myths Now Busted!
Are you struggling to lose that weight even though you are following a healthy diet? These health food myths might provide the answer. Unfortunately many so-called healthy foods are actually unhealthy, contributing to ill health and weight gain.
It’s time to solve these health food myths!
Low fat and fat free foods. When fat is removed from processed foods they taste awful, so the manufacturers add lots of sugar. Read my article Low Fat Diet: The Craze That Backfired for more information.
Ready made salad dressings. Salads are definitely healthy. Until you consider the sugar, chemicals, trans fats, and vegetable oils that we pour over them. Avoid commercial salad dressings or, at the very least, read the label carefully.
Fruit juice. Fruit is healthy, but fruit juice eliminates the good stuff like fiber and leaves you with loads of sugar. The sugar content of fruit juice is the same as most sugar sweetened drinks.
Whole wheat products. Most of these products aren’t even made from whole wheat! When the grains are ground into a fine grain they raise your blood sugar levels as much as refined wheat products.
Margarine. This is a fake food: all chemicals and refined vegetable oils. Real grass-fed butter is the best bet for your health!
Sports drinks. Unless you are a superstar athlete, you just need water. Drinking sports drinks only means unnecessary additional salt and sugar.
Low carb processed foods. So called health bars and other similar products are really just chemicals and unhealthy refined products.
Agave nectar and brown rice syrup. These sweeteners are simply no good, being loaded with fructose or glucose, respectively.
Gluten free junk foods. Naturally gluten free foods are fine. The processed varieties are often laden with chemicals and refined ingredients that are far from healthy.
Breakfast cereals. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – for you and your family. Unfortunately, most breakfast cereals consist largely of sugar, chemicals, and refined grains.
How do you go about identifying health food myths in the grocery store?
If an item doesn’t need a list of ingredients because it’s a whole food (consists of one ingredient) then it’s healthy. No health food myths there. The problem comes in with processed and packaged foods. Once you start reading the ingredients labels carefully, you’ll soon learn to identify health food myths. And at no time believe the health claims made on the packaging!