Sugar: is it really an enemy?

Research reveals the dangers of our diets With many lifestyle diseases on the increase, we have a responsibility to take a closer look at our modern diet. Sugary drinks and snacks abound. There are also hidden sugars lurking in just about everything. You just have to read the ingredients labels on food packaging to realise…

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Food cravings: fighting the addiction one bite at a time

Are your food cravings thwarting your efforts to lose weight? So you have the best of intentions to eat correctly… But try as you might, you still find yourself desperately seeking high-calorie low-nutrient foods. It’s not your fault. The primitive part of your brain is wired to have these types of food cravings. Seriously. But…

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Melbourne Cup: make it a cup without (love) handles

The Melbourne Cup Carnival started on 12 September. You might be well into the festivities by now. For most of us, Emirates Melbourne Cup Day in a few days’ time (3 November) marks the start of a month of merriment. As we all know, the Melbourne Cup Carnival is a delight for the senses: colour…

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Fitness myths that hamper your training results.

If you’ve been convinced that muscle weighs more than fat, you’re not alone. Many people are led to believe all kinds of falsehoods when it comes to fitness. It’s time to dig for the truth. Here are some common fitness myths you never thought to question… 1. Muscle weighs more than fat This is a…

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Grass fed beef – why it's the better option

I’m sure that you’ve heard the terms ‘grass fed beef’ and ‘grain fed beef’ being used a lot lately. This is not just another dietary fad. It highlights the importance of knowing exactly what you are eating. (And what that animal ate.) It might sound pedantic, but it’s a significant consideration. Any healthy balanced diet…

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Why you're not losing weight (it's not what you think!)

If you’re wondering why you’re not losing weight, you’re not alone. Many people feel that they’re leading a healthy lifestyle, and yet they can’t seem to shed those last stubborn kilos. It’s an extremely frustrating experience. However, there are several reasons that could indicate why you’re not losing weight like you should. Here’s why you’re…

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Sleep and weight loss – burn calories while resting

The undeniable link between sleep and weight loss. The less sleep you get, the higher your BMI will be. Why? The answer lies in hormones. When you get insufficient sleep, your body will produce more ghrelin and less leptin. Leptin regulates your energy levels and suppresses your appetite. It is a naturally occurring hormone that…

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Counting Calories: Why You Should STOP

If you find yourself counting calories, you are not alone. The world of fad diets, ill-advised nutrition and marketing ploys has led many down this frustrating path. No approach to nutrition should leave you feeling hungry, moody, and irritable. Food is there to be enjoyed. You should be able to experience sustained weight loss and…

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Eggs – to eat or not to eat?

What do you do when you’re faced with a breakfast menu? Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, and rightly so. So it stands to reason that your breakfast choice should be healthy, even if you are attending a business breakfast meeting. You want to avoid the muffins, croissants and pastries…

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Healthy snacks for those who are on the go

We all have those days. Those days when your alarm clock creates a state of panic, you rush to get ready, you’re about to fly out the door, knowing that you’re running late, when your stomach reminds you that it’s been a while since you ate. You need something quick and easy. Herein lies the…

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