Posts Tagged ‘BALANCED DIET’
Is Insulin Fertilising Your Fat Cells?
We’re often told that calories in versus calories out is the recipe for weight loss or gain. And, that is somewhat true. But, losing weight is more than just a numbers game. Your body is a complex arrangement of systems. If it was as straight forward as eat less, lose weight, the fat loss industry…
Read MoreHow The Sugar Industry Has Been Lying To You
I like to think that we can trust researchers to report the facts correctly. Especially when it comes to nutrition and health! However, newly released historical documents show otherwise. During the 60’s, the sugar industry paid researchers to down play the link between sugar and heart disease and shift the blame to fat. This research…
Read MoreIs Your Inability to Say No Stopping You from Losing Weight?
According to Shannon Ponton, star of The Biggest Loser Families, one factor that’s worsening Australia’s obesity crisis is people’s inability to say no. While many professionals look to blame things like eating too much sugar and not having enough time to work out, Ponton says “as a society, we’ve forgot what the word no means”.…
Read MoreAvoiding potatoes? Do you really need to?
Avoiding potatoes seems to be high up on the list of just about everyone who’s trying to lose weight. Is this a legitimate weight loss hack? Or are you avoiding that delicious potato salad for no good reason? Are you avoiding potatoes of all kinds? Just the white ones? Confused about sweet potatoes? (Can something that…
Read MoreHigh protein diet causes cancer? Nonsense!
My previous post looked at the WHO’s claim that bacon causes cancer. Now it seems that we are faced with a study that claims to have proven that a high protein diet causes cancer. Before you give it all up and opt for a vegan lifestyle, we need to examine this study in more detail.…
Read MoreBacon causes cancer – say it isn't so?!
People around the world groaned in dismay when the World Health Organisation (WHO) added bacon to its list of group one carcinogens. Essentially what they are saying is that bacon causes cancer. Will breakfast ever be the same?! Is there truth behind the claim that bacon causes cancer? The problem lies in the fact that…
Read MoreBreakfast health benefits you can't ignore
You’ve heard it a million times: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Given the rush that most of us are in every morning, this advice is often not adhered to. However, given the long list of scientifically proven breakfast health benefits, we would all do well to make breakfast a steadfast part of our…
Read MoreHealth Food Myths Now Busted!
Are you struggling to lose that weight even though you are following a healthy diet? These health food myths might provide the answer. Unfortunately many so-called healthy foods are actually unhealthy, contributing to ill health and weight gain. It’s time to solve these health food myths! Low fat and fat free foods. When fat is…
Read MoreHangry: science or an excuse?
Hangry is such a useful word. It aptly describes those people who become grumpy, irritable and short-tempered when they’re hungry. Some people definitely become more hangry than others. I’m sure we all have a friend or relative who is virtually impossible to deal with when they’re hungry, but as soon as satiety sets in, they’re…
Read MoreLow carb diet – fad or fabulous?
Like many diets, the low carb diet is controversial. It seems there will never be a consensus on this one. Before you make up your mind, make sure that you know all the facts. The low carb diet seems to attract lots of misinformation. Let’s separate fact from fiction… The real truth about the low…
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