Posts by tightenupadmin
Sugar free diet: the sweeter side of life
Let’s be honest, most of us like foods that contain sugar. Clever marketing has basically trained us from a young age to crave sugary treats. And crave is an apt word, because sugar addiction is a real thing. Yes, you can argue that sugar is natural. And sure, sugar does occur naturally in foods such as…
Read MoreHealthy foods – do they live up to their name?
So you’re doing all the right things: working out, getting enough sleep, and eating healthily. In fact, your diet consists entirely of healthy foods. Or is that just what clever marketing has led you to believe? Put down that gluten-free muffin and read on… So-called healthy foods that aren’t healthy after all You’d be surprised…
Read MoreGrains: friend or fiendish foe?
There’s been a lot of confusion about whether or not you should include grains in your diet. This is largely due to many people claiming that grains contribute to weight gain and disease. So what is the truth about grains? Like any significant change to your diet, this should not be attempted on a whim.…
Read MoreWeight training for women – the real weight loss secret
Weight loss is a very real issue for many women. As is getting lean, toned and fit. So I’m always surprised by how many women focus their training exclusively on cardio workouts. Sure, beating it out on the treadmill or attending cardio classes will get you fit. But it won’t get you that body. You simply…
Read MoreWinter training for summer bodies
The year is flying by and we’re already in July! Colder weather always seems to dampen people’s enthusiasm for exercise. Although summer seems a long way off, how you train in winter will determine how good you look on the beach in summer… Why is winter training so important? Most people consume more kilojoules in…
Read MoreKeep weight off – the definitive guide
You just have to hit the Google search button to see just how many articles there are on weight loss. There are countless fads that all promise impossible results in a short space of time. But how many programs guarantee sustainable weight loss? I’ve compiled the ultimate guide for those of you who want to lose…
Read MoreCommit to success – it's time!
No matter what you health and fitness goals are, we all have one thing in common: we want success. We want to see those outcomes. To feel those results. Unfortunately, success isn’t a given in life. All our lives are peppered with failures of one sort or another. So how do we avoid failure when…
Read MoreGet Out of a Rut in 6 Easy Steps
Are you desperate to get out of a rut? Feeling trapped in a mindless routine? Feeling unhappy and that there’s more to life? Need more of a balance in your life? Here are 6 easy steps to get out of a rut! 1. Choose 3 very specific things to change Think of the 10 areas in…
Read MoreLook Like a Queen This Holiday
On Monday we’ll all the enjoying the Queen’s Birthday. It’s a great time to go out and enjoy time with friends. But all that eating and drinking is detrimental to your health, weight and fitness. With all the guilt and calories you’ll hardly feel or look like a queen… Want to look like a queen…
Read MoreSleep Is Important for Weight Loss
Do you want to lose weight? Keep the weight off? Have a faster metabolism? Get your blood sugar levels under control? The solution might lie in how much sleep you’re getting. How much sleep is important for weight loss? A recent study has shown that losing just 30 minutes of sleep a night during the…
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