Tips to Help You Stick to a New Fitness Plan and Eat Healthily

It’s true that it’s not easy to stick to a new fitness plan and, chances are, you know it because you’ve experienced it. But, like most things that are challenging, a little perseverance is totally worth! With time and a consistent effort, a well-designed workout and healthy eating plan will get you the results you’re after. So, how do you get through that initial challenge when you’re still trying to form new routines and habits? A good place to start is by following these tips to help you sick to a new fitness plan and eat healthily.


1. Plan and Be Organised

This is our number one tip to help you stick to a new fitness plan for a reason. It’s by far the most important! Without having a solid plan and being organised enough to be able to easily grab a healthy lunch or hit the gym on your way home, succeeding will be hard!

Once you’ve got a schedule of the workouts you’re going to do, plan them into your week. If you always find yourself too tired to exercise after work, get up early or work out on your lunch break. By setting aside the time to move, it’ll be so much easier to make sure it happens.

And, the same goes for your healthy eating plan! Use the weekend to map out a weeks’ worth of meals. Then go shopping, cook and prep everything that you can ahead of time. Pre-making porridge, mason jar salads and freezing leftover meals makes grabbing a healthy lunch the easiest and quickest option.


2. Take Lunch

Now you’ve got those healthy meals prepped, don’t leave home without one! For most people, weekday takeaway lunches throw balanced healthy eating off plan. Even so called ‘healthy’ takeaway lunches can pack a lot of hidden calories. Packing work (or even weekend) lunches means that you’ll always have a nourishing meal with you to stay on track to your goals.


3. Seek Support at Home

Before you start a new fitness plan, tell your friends and family what you’re doing and ask for their support. They don’t need to join in on what you’re doing (although they could), but just being encouraging or helping you to make time will make all the difference when you’re trying to stick to a new fitness plan.


4. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People

It’s extremely difficult to drink less, exercise more or eat healthier if your friends just want to party and eat fried food. While you don’t need to give up these friendships, surrounding yourself with people who’ve got similar goals will help you to achieve yours. Join a community sports team, try a group exercise class or meet up with a friend for a run and a green juice. These friends will also help to keep you accountable and chances are, you’ll be helping them out to do the same too.


5. Drink More Water

Get into the habit of always taking a water bottle with you. This will help you to stay hydrated and avoid mistaking thirst for hunger. You’ll also be less likely to reach for sugary, calorie-loaded drinks.


6. Learn to Cook 15 Minute Meals

You’ll always have those days when you can’t be bothered to cook. Be prepared by learning to cook quick and easy meals that fit into your new healthy eating plan. Veggie-packed omelettes, home-made stir fry’s and a nice steak and salad are all great options.


7. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

Unhealthy snaking can quickly derail your new healthy eating habits. Luckily, keeping some healthy snacks on hand is an easy way to stop yourself from reaching for a 3pm pick-me-up. Cans of tuna, nuts and rice cakes are all non-perishable snacks that you can even leave in your work drawer.


8. Move More

It’s great if you’re managing to fit your daily workout in but, just doing more everyday, general moving is the best way to break up a sedentary lifestyle. Take the stairs, park a few extra blocks away or go for a walk in the sun during your lunch break and enjoy how your new, fitter body feels.


Getting on Track with Your New Fitness Plan

We won’t lie, there will be times when you won’t want to do your workout or say no to a slice of chocolate cake. But, following these tips will help you to stick to a new fitness plan and actually get the results you’re hoping for.

If you don’t have a personalised workout and nutrition plan but, would like one, contact us today about personal training. We’ll help you to devise a manageable plan that fits into your lifestyle to make achieving your goals so much easier.